The beautiful island Rügen January 5, 2019 I’m late with the images of my summer vacation. The quiet days during the holidays finally gave me opportunity to edit the images taken…
The weirdest camera – the Noblex 150u Pro September 29, 2018 I write here before about my endeavors with the old horizon panorama camera. The odyssey continued since the next role I shot had light…
It’s working. Finally. The Pentacon Six TL March 26, 2018 Most of my camera purchases are emotional. I don’t sit down and compare features, draw a chart and make a decision based on technical…
Camera talk – an affordable panorama camera December 26, 2017 Let me put one thing straight right at the beginning. What I really want is a Fuji 6×17 or maybe a medium format Widelux….
Camera talk – the Rolleiflex 6008, should I stay or should I go November 18, 2017 There is one piece of German engineering that is hopelessly overdone, heavy, bulky to call out a few things and you don’t really want…
taking the hasselblad to a concert February 7, 2015 A hasselblad isn’t really known for its use during a concert. Actually the camera isn’t known to be very versatile outside a photo studio….
Santa’s big surprise January 7, 2014 Every boy has got a little dream and mine had been to own and shoot with a Leica rangefinder camera. This Christmas Santa and…
Camera Talk – the last fun camera made May 4, 2013 Hey, you know what I'm talking about? Do you know a camera that doesn't have dozens of functions and you don't need to click through layers…
Camera Talk -The Pentax 645N April 20, 2013 Back in 2002, I got my first Pentax 645NII. Even though digital photography was certainly winning more and more ground, I decided to give…