Praktica history – chapter two – the bx20s August 5, 2017 I started my shopping for Praktica SLR with the KW and an older Tessar 50/2.8. Now I’m going straight to the last model the…
India – the urban and the rural life December 21, 2015 This is supposed to be the last entry of my India trip and I wanted to keep a set of images that show the…
India – the places – the rest – 2 of 2 November 4, 2015 I just post a couple of images today showing some more places I visited in India. You can find the other blog posts about…
India – the people – part 2 October 6, 2015 It is most certainly the people that make India such an interesting country to travel. I hardly found someone who doesn’t like her or…
the old factory August 24, 2015 Old abundant factories always make a good target for photography. Most of them are locked up and access is really prohibited due to an…
taking the hasselblad to a concert February 7, 2015 A hasselblad isn’t really known for its use during a concert. Actually the camera isn’t known to be very versatile outside a photo studio….
First look: Tetenal Ultrafin T-Plus January 12, 2015 Going on a trip always means seeing new things, meeting different people, eating less known food but also taking lots of new films with…