The weirdest camera – the Noblex 150u Pro September 29, 2018 I write here before about my endeavors with the old horizon panorama camera. The odyssey continued since the next role I shot had light…
The return of contrast – film talk July 27, 2018 I guess my plans to write a blog post every week is an illusion. However, I’ll try harder (lol). My Lightroom library is full…
Pulling HP5+ and some thoughts about trying new things May 23, 2018 I’m an engineer and I spent most of my time making things faster, smaller und cheaper for the sole purpose of increasing the share…
The last roll – I sold the Mamiya 645Pro January 9, 2018 My first post in 2017 shows some old pictures I took on a trip to India in 2015. I also showed some of the…
Camera talk – the Rolleiflex 6008, should I stay or should I go November 18, 2017 There is one piece of German engineering that is hopelessly overdone, heavy, bulky to call out a few things and you don’t really want…
A walk along the river Elbe with a Hasselblad, Rollei Retro 400s and a red filter October 23, 2017 One of the largest man made park landscapes in Europe can be found close to Dessau in the German state of Sachsen-Anhalt. The area…
One roll, one topic – the Bauhaus Meisterhaeuser in Dessau October 10, 2017 I think I tried several times to take decent images of the Bauhaus Meisterhaeuser in Dessau and I’m not sure I succeeded this time….
Cars, cars, cars August 28, 2017 I don’t take the distagon c 40mm f/4 out very often. It’s a really nice wide angle lens but it’s bulky and heavy. The…
India – the urban and the rural life December 21, 2015 This is supposed to be the last entry of my India trip and I wanted to keep a set of images that show the…
India – the places – the rest – 2 of 2 November 4, 2015 I just post a couple of images today showing some more places I visited in India. You can find the other blog posts about…