The Tel Aviv Museum of Art

I went to the Tel Aviv Museum of Art to see Ohad Matalon’s Photo Op exhibition. The idea of the exhibition is a constant change in the given space. There is no fixed theme, no defined way of editing and presentation which also opens all directions for interpretation. New peaces enter the exhibition while others or are being destroyed ensuring constant change.

The concept didn’t work for me since i realized that the timescale of the changes is too slow to catch up with the speed of changes in real life. Also, I didn’t like the art pieces which seemed to be the results of experimental accidents very much. It’s a matter of taste, i guess and it just wasn’t for me. The framed print of a piece of crumbled paper gave a good reflection for a photograph.


I had a lot of fun walking through the museum after visiting  Photo Op. It’s a huge place with so many different exhibitions and they are not to be seen on just one day. I visited two more exhibitions and walked through the floors taking some images.




I especially liked the library and reading room which I found just wandering around. To get a different point of view, I turned the Hasselblad with its waist level finer around and held it high above me. Focusing and framing isn’t easy and I’m quite surprised that the results are quite OK.



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  1. i visited the same exhibition and cannot agree with you. but i also liked other echibitions and i love your phot set on the museum. thanks for sharing.

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